By 2ndhand
United Kingdom
What weather forecast / site do you use, if any?
I use the Met office daily, and it's usually good. I'm sad they stopped doing seasonal forcasts, as they were good for a laugh. But I also check out the Metcheck site. It's fascinating looking at the storm maps over the Atlantic and USA, but it is quite funny as far as the UK forecast is on their site. The year ahead always generalises the UK, they list June and July as the 'European summer monsoon' and the weather now as Continental trains. Well we're really being blasted by the 8.30 from Swansea! ;-)
26 Oct, 2010
I use the local one if I need to
26 Oct, 2010
Long term weather forecasts can not be accurate at present. For a short term weather forecast I use a German satellite site which is very good. I do not read German but I can understand most by looking at the pictures. The address is:
After entering the site you tick Niederschlag.
26 Oct, 2010
Lol Costakis why not try the Russian one for a change? That made me smile this morning and I had a look as I dont speak German either. Very dense cloud today.
26 Oct, 2010
I use the Metcheck one, they show the position of the Atlantic jet stream, always an important factor in our weather.
26 Oct, 2010
I use the BBC weatherforecast. My main reason for doing so is that it allows you to click buttons along the bottom of the forecast to move the weather on in 3 hour periods to see what's likely to happen
26 Oct, 2010
I use this one from the Met Office that lets you have a sidebar with a recent satellite image showing rain coming in - if it is!
It lets you spot weather windows before they arrive - useful for planning what to do today.
26 Oct, 2010
i use weather wear ever you put in your post code and it tells you every day . as the others have basicly said thow it can only ever be an educated guess for the next day let alone months .
26 Oct, 2010
I use the bbc too, I find the daily one fairly accurate ( weather often comes earlier than later ) but even the next couple of days is too much for most sites in my opinion
26 Oct, 2010
What would happen if you looked at them all? ;-)
26 Oct, 2010
I've done that Heron if its been important but unless we're having really settled weather ( good or bad) they are mostly different
26 Oct, 2010
The problem withn the BBC one is when they show a light blue covering. This can mean anything from pouring down to dry as a bone. Several times a year I note that it's going to rain all day the following day( light blue covering) rearrange all my work schedule only to find it is totally dry the next day.
This does not please me!
26 Oct, 2010
The most accurate weather forecast locally was the one on ITV's text service on the telly, which has now been discontinued. BBC's not much cop, far too generalized...
26 Oct, 2010
thats true Bamboo -- even though mine is for my postcode its actually 12 miles away where the monitor is
26 Oct, 2010
I look out of the window, and generally follow what my mum used to say - 'It might rain'! Phil
26 Oct, 2010
me to philjeffs lol and you get a feal for it to realy .
26 Oct, 2010
Have you heard about the cornish weather meter? It's a piece of string nailed to an upright plank.
If the string is wet, it's raining.
If it's dry, it's not raining.
If it casts a shadow, it's sunny.
If it's standing straight out, it's windy.
And if you can't see it, it's foggy.
26 Oct, 2010
i agree with that one Beatttie,very true. :o))
26 Oct, 2010
very drole lol
27 Oct, 2010
I agree with Pamg, The 2 local weather stations for my area are 20 miles one way on the coast and the other 15 mile away in a valley. Being up a 1000' above one and 500' above the other, its known to be colder and much windier up here. and our 'fog' is usually low cloud, that we can see rolling in up the hill, but ony from the west. I can see what the weather is over Cardigan bay, but everywhere else is guess work. But I must admit, the most accurate is the Met office for Aberaeron. I just deduct a couple of degrees usually.
27 Oct, 2010
if the string is standing upright does it mean its realy pleased to see you beattie lol x .
27 Oct, 2010
ROFL NP! :-) What a compliment that would be! Perhaps I'd better be more careful drawing the curtains.... ;-)
27 Oct, 2010
very good beattie lol x
27 Oct, 2010
Still LOL-ing! :-)
27 Oct, 2010
talking about weather makes me think that this weekend we alter the clocks-- seems unnatural to me!--its suddenly so dark in the evening, the other night the lights were on before 5.00-- that'll be 4 next week, theres talk of double summertime again but does anyone know why we change them at all?
28 Oct, 2010
Oh don't, I hate it being dark so early. I wish we could stay on BST all the time, but there is a price - it won't be light before 9 am. Not that I'd worry, I'm usually still asleep then anyway...
28 Oct, 2010
Same here - and for most people, Bamboo. That's why there's a campaign to have BST and Double BST - the logic is that it would save loads of energy as most people are in bed asleep when it's getting light, but using electricity in the evening when it gets dark earlier.
28 Oct, 2010
But why bother with the double BST, what's the point of that? Why not just stick to the same time year round, BST all the way?
28 Oct, 2010
Good point! It doesn't make any more daylight.
28 Oct, 2010
I think it would save money-- and lives which is what ' they' profess to do it for, all this messing about not only disrupts us but the animals too-- and babies-- takes me a week to feel right again!
28 Oct, 2010
well it wouldnt mess peoples body clocks up if they left clocks alone twice a year thats for sure .
28 Oct, 2010
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I wouldn't look at a long range forecast not even for a laugh. I don't like symbols so I always log on to our local Council forecast. It's written in real words that speak louder than pictures, naming local villages.
26 Oct, 2010