By Japon
United Kingdom
Pittosporum "john flanagan"?
Cant seem to find much info on this, Has it got another more common name?
Is it hardy? Will it be ok to plant in the garden now?
Height/spread, can it be pruned?
Thank you.
26 Oct, 2010
Cheers Bamboo, I think it might be more commonly known has "‘Margaret Turnbull"
Thank you.
26 Oct, 2010
Not according to the sites I looked at, seemed to be a separate variety, though its not one I've heard of before.
26 Oct, 2010
Previous question
This is apparently a variety of Pittosporum tenuifolium - basic details for tenuifolium varieties are eventual height of around 33 feet, but it takes a while to get there.
Planting advice with Pittosporums generally is to plant in Spring - they can be a slightly tender when they're young, so unless you're planting in a very sheltered spot, out of cold winds, best to keep outside (not in a greenhouse or inside) in a warm, sheltered spot, against a wall, preferably south facing, out of winds, over winter and plant in spring.
Can be clipped or pruned in around May or early June - best done little and often (i.e., yearly at that time) rather than waiting till its too big and hacking back hard.
26 Oct, 2010