United Kingdom
Can i eat marrows which have crossed with pumpkins ?
27 Oct, 2010
Can I ask how you know that they have crossed?
27 Oct, 2010
I wasn't aware that they could cross...
27 Oct, 2010
What would you call them - markins, mampkins, purrows, courgumkins? Halloween could be different, with marrows cut out into scary candlelit faces. Phil
27 Oct, 2010
"courgumkins" ROTFL !! ;-))
27 Oct, 2010
We never had pumpkins in the north east of Scotland - we used large turnips (swedes)
27 Oct, 2010
I used to use swedes too when little. Up in the North East. :o)
27 Oct, 2010
Well, both vegetables are edible, so I don't see why not.
27 Oct, 2010