By Katie19
Can you identify this white sticky substance on my cyclamens, which are now wilting. Also there are patches of the same substance on the lawn. Any ideas of what it is and how to get rid of it please? My email is

1 Nov, 2010
They look like 'florists' cyclamen and will not enjoy being outdoors for much longer. Sorry, but I can't see the white, sticky stuff.
1 Nov, 2010
I thought it must be the 'fuzzy bit' in the middle of the bottom cyclamen but I wasn't sure, I would suggest potting them up and bringing indoors what say you Bb?
1 Nov, 2010
It is getting to that time, Pam, but not into a 20C room. Somewhere light but cooler.
1 Nov, 2010
They look more like C. hederifolium than C.persicum. If the sticky white stuff is on the flower stems of the white one, then it looks like woolly aphid, but I have never heard of them attacking Cyclamen. If they are hederifolium then I would soak them in fungicide and if that did not work then try an insecticide.
1 Nov, 2010
The leaves, particularly of the front one, do look like hederifolium, Owdboggy, but I was going on the pink and white flowers which is more like the GC mini/bedding cyclamen. Unless there are two species? But no, look at the seed heads forming on the front one - this is much more typical of persicum. Not that this is answering Katies question, and I still don't know.
1 Nov, 2010
I'm interested in the fact you say the lawn has patches of this too - any chance of a photograph of one of the affected areas of grass? Has the grass itself died back, gone yellow or brown? Is the white fluffy stuff present at the base of the blades of grass? And when did it appear?
As for the fluffy stuff in the picture, can you examine it closely, see if there's anything lurking inside it - is it weblike stuff, or more fungal?
1 Nov, 2010
I've had Cyclamen go this way with botrytis, but that's more gray than white.
1 Nov, 2010
Me too. Nothing in any of my books on Cyclamen mentions anything which could be described as white sticky fluff. I would love to see a close up of the affected stems.
1 Nov, 2010
im with Bulbaholic they are small florist Cyclamen no Hederifolium there i would agree with him they won't last outside this winter.
6 Nov, 2010
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Katie its a bit hard to see but it looks like a fungus and the flowers are looking floppy too are they outdoor cyclamen as maybe they don't like the cold and wet weather and have begun to rot off, do they feel slimy near the corm ,sorry for all the questions ;)
1 Nov, 2010