By Tilly3006
United Kingdom
Hi, just wondered if anyone had had any success in growing agapanthus from seed? I collected some seed following reading an article in GW by Carol Klien. I followed everything she said, and sowed them at the end of september but at the moment there is no sign of germination, even though she says they are easy to grow from seed. Am i being impatient or are they just not going to grow? - thanks
1 Nov, 2010
thanks tugbrethil, i hope your right. I'd love them to germinate, they are one of my favourite plants.
1 Nov, 2010
i collected seed as well so heres hopeing tilly
1 Nov, 2010
I have sown and germinated Agapanthus seeds every year for the last 15 or so. They are as easy as suggested. Sown now or in Spring, it makes little difference, they germinate once the weather gets warmer. So patience is needed if you have sown them now.
When they do germinate, do not prick them out. It is better when they are growing strongly to repot them all in a deeper pot and feed with half strength liquid feed. I do this for two growing seasons before potting on singly. they flower after 3 to 4 years this way.
1 Nov, 2010
oooooooooooooo thats a long time lol
1 Nov, 2010
Not so long to wait for such lovely flowers!
2 Nov, 2010
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Well, the data I found indicate that it could take as long as 3 months to germinate, so I would settle in to wait a while longer. Good luck!
1 Nov, 2010