By Dee69
United Kingdom
what do I do withLobelia speciosa Fan scarlet once it has finished flowering please
2 Nov, 2010
Also, watch out for slugs in Spring when it re-grows.
2 Nov, 2010
My tip is to pot up some of the new growths (babies) at the side of the cluster in Seprember and overwinter them under cover (coldframe maybe) just in case! I lost a lot of my stock last winter and was glad of my back up plants.
2 Nov, 2010
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Clip off the flowerheads if you want, but otherwise wait till the topgrowth has been damaged by frost, then cut down and fix a deep mulch or fleece or similar to protect the plants during winter. I find its easier to leave about 6 inches of stem, which keeps any pile of leaves, mulch or whatever more securely in place.
2 Nov, 2010