By Davecaulton
United Kingdom
I have a 30 year old silver birch tree that is 30 ft high and this year it ,s leaves began to turn yellow and fall off in mid august and now appears to be dead. There is a similar tree in my next door neighbours garden that still has its leaves and looks perfectly healthy. My tree has a clematis montana growing through it. Could it be that this has killed my tree, if not what other explanation could there be for what has happened to it
2 Nov, 2010
I don't think Silver Birch is very long-lived anyway. So it's time to say bye bye and use this as a planting opportunity! But don't put the Clematis into a small, new tree. You could take advantage of the lack of tree to cut back the Clematis a bit too.
2 Nov, 2010
We had to take a silver birch down many years ago but left a very tall stump and are growing Clematis alpina over it; it lokks great. I wouldn't have thought that a clematis would particularly botyher a 30 foot tree, that is pretty well established. I don't know the answere but our silver birches are still hanging onto their leaves.
2 Nov, 2010
Walking in woods in various parts of the UK, we've observed that silver birches don't seem to be very long-lived. We've often found ourselves scrambling over dead specimens that weren't anything like as wide as other species still standing nearby.
2 Nov, 2010
They're not, Beattie, 50 to 60 years, with them looking their best between 10 and 20 years, really. But this one wasn't old enough to keel over through age.
2 Nov, 2010
Why not give it a little prune here and there to see if the wood is drying out, the feathery end branches will be very brittle if it is dead, whats the base of the trunk like, any signs of desease/fungus here or elsewhere on the tree?, are there any signs of bark splitting?
2 Nov, 2010
Unfortunately, you haven't said where in the UK you are, so what I'm about to say may be completely irrelevant, I don't know without that bit of information. If you live in the South, and had drought this year (as we did) and you didn't water, it MIGHT be that the Birch and the Clematis were competing for water, particularly if the Montana is a large, mature one, and the Montana won.
2 Nov, 2010