By Wildlife
United Kingdom
I planted approx 50 daff bulbs, various varieties, underneath trees, only to find they have all been dug up and left lying on the ground. Any ideas what may have done this. I live in an urban area. Many thanks. Marie
3 Nov, 2010
some advice would be to cover the area if possible with chicken wire firmly pegged down
3 Nov, 2010
Most likely squirrels - they're hoping you've planted crocus bulbs, all of which they'd eat given the chance, but daffs are poisonous, so they won't eat those.
3 Nov, 2010
I wondered WHAT was eating the crocus bulbs, Bamboo!....NOW I know.
3 Nov, 2010
I haven't planted crocuses for over 5 years now - no point, squirrels eat the lot...
4 Nov, 2010
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It could very well be squirrels wildlife, had the same problem in the past, until the walnut tree was removed!
3 Nov, 2010