United Kingdom
Can I re-plant my fuschias for next year's hanging baskets? What do I need to do with them in the meantime, keep watering or leave them to dry out?
5 Nov, 2010
PS, I forgot to say, if you keep your fuchsias from this year, cut them back by one third in spring as well as they come into growth.
6 Nov, 2010
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« My recently planted rhodedendrum is looking very sad how can i perk it up
Usually the Fuchsias in hanging baskets are the tender type (not hardy) so you will need to take them indoors and protect them from frost. You'll need to keep them growing slowly, so water enough not to lose too many leaves, but not a lot. It is best to cut them back by one third to reduce the water needs and to take up less space.
You can use the pieces you cut off to try to root as cuttings. Trim the lower leaves off pieces 4" -6" long taken from the tops of the prunings. You can try rooting these in a glass of water, then pot up when there's a good root system, or put several into a pot of compost, spacing the cuttings round the edge of the pot. It's rather late in the year for these to take, but keep them indoors and have a go - what have you got to lose?
Don't forget to label the cuttings if you know what they are, it's always better to have named plants if possible. You may have some to give away next year.
And PS, watch out for vine weevils, they just love Fuchsia roots. You might want to water with a proprietory vine weevil killer.
6 Nov, 2010