United Kingdom
my acer tree is full growed i want to move it .will it die if i do
8 Nov, 2010
As Mr. B says, there is a large risk moving a mature Acer! Better to find options that don't involve disturbing it.
If you still have to move it, get as large a root ball as you can, prune off all the twigs smaller than a pencil, move it quickly and carefully, don't bury it deeper than it was originally planted, and use a strong, non-fertilizer root stimulator--such as indole-butyric acid, or napthalene-acetic acid. All of that will give you your best chance of survival. If you want to go organic on the root stimulator, try cold water processed seaweed extract.
Good luck!
8 Nov, 2010
A fully grown acer will have a huge rootstock, Guest. To move it safely you will have to lift it with next to no damage to the roots and complete with a lot of soil. Personally, I don't think that you will have much chance of doing this.
8 Nov, 2010