By Stickitoffee
United Kingdom
Will my clematis survive?
i bought a beautiful clematis in the summer ~ crystal fountain, fairy blue.
i have it in a pot so that it would get maximum sun but i could still see it ~ i even had it in the kitchen for a couple of days cos i loved it so much
what do i do with it now? its leaves are turning yellow and will presumably drop off ~ will it survive the winter or do how much protection does it need?

9 Nov, 2010
thanks bamboo ~ i put it in a bigger pot and its been outside since late july ~ now tucked into a corner of the house ~ do i just water it sparingly?
9 Nov, 2010
Check the pot occasionally, but all the topgrowth will die back, so probably don't need to water at all, unless it gets very dry and its completely out of the rain.
9 Nov, 2010
ok, thank you!
9 Nov, 2010
Oh, this is much bigger than my tiny integrofolia Stickitoffee. Very similar color though.
10 Nov, 2010
Excellent advice Bamboo. I wouldn't have thought about it being in a pot. I've overwintered this with no problem whatsoever in scotland Sticki, so as long as you don't shock it with sudden temp. change, it will be fine and dandy. It's a beautiful one isn't it? I had no flowers on mine this year as I had pruned it badly (to get it off an obelisk). Now it's been moved to a better position so I have great hopes for it next year!!
10 Nov, 2010
when i bought it the flowers were already out so that made it easy ~ that was why i kept it in the kitchen ~ i loved the flowers so much! but i only kept it in about a week.
i think that was in the middle of july greenthumb ~ that may explain why it was a bigger flower? also cos i bought it like that ~ may not be the same next year?
10 Nov, 2010
It should be...just the same. They have quite big flowers with that lovely greenish centre.
10 Nov, 2010
great! i do hope so!! the colour was absolutely stunning ~ i hadnt intended to go out to buy a plant at all [it was a plant stall at a local craft centre] but when i saw it i couldnt resist it!
10 Nov, 2010
I had exactly the same reaction when I saw it Sticki. I just couldn't leave's a stunner!
11 Nov, 2010
should produce very large flowers in around June-ish, then another crop of smaller ones around August to autumn
11 Nov, 2010
it didnt do the second crop this year but then i didnt buy it till middle of july ~ flowers were already out ~ seemed large, lets hope for 2 lots next year? ~ thanks bamboo
11 Nov, 2010
Lovely flowers though, whether they're meant to be smaller or larger, lol! I'm only telling you what the info on the web is re this plant, be interesting to see what it does next year. More pics then, please.
11 Nov, 2010
Mine only does one flowering but that's because we don't get enough heat up here for it to grow enough to do the second flush. Sometimes get buds, but not in time to flower.
11 Nov, 2010
hardy - unless you've still got it indoors and its been there a while, so you'd need to harden it off before leaving it outside all winter. No pruning on this one - it produces flowers in late spring and then again late summer and autumn. If its still in that small pot, might be wise to bubble wrap it and cluster it with other pots around it to stop it freezing if we have really cold weather.
9 Nov, 2010