By Carjam
United Kingdom
When is the best time to prune roses, some say now, some say jan/feb. comments please????
16 Nov, 2010
Agree with Nariz, but if you spring prune when the daffs are in bloom its an easy way to remember
17 Nov, 2010
I did mine last weekend before our first frost came two days ago! Fingers crossed.
17 Nov, 2010
Recommended procedure is to prune ramblers in September, climbers and bushes can be topped (longer growths taken back a bit) in autumn to prevent windrock,and proper pruning carried out end of February.
17 Nov, 2010
My own way is to remove small sideshoots and reduce tall sections by about a third in a months' time to reduce the effect of wind rock, then in early Spring I prune down another third.
17 Nov, 2010