By Dicamus
South of Limoges,
We burn only wood in the woodburner we are about to sweep the chimney, is it any good for the veg patch, I have been told its OK if it has been aged for a time, is that true?
21 Nov, 2010
dont think wood ash has to age. sprinkle now and let the winter wet wash the nutrients into the soil.
21 Nov, 2010
The soot from the chimney would most likely be safe, but has few garden benefits. Soot from resinous woods, especially any member of the Redwood family (Taxodiaceae), might damage small seedlings right after application. Probably not a problem this time of year.
22 Nov, 2010
If all you have burnt is wood then the soot from the chimney would be usable in the Veg patch. If you do decide to keep it, then do not let it get wet as that washes out any goodness in it.
21 Nov, 2010