By Cmelse
United Kingdom
Do camelias attract blowflies, if so why?
23 Nov, 2010
Only if something has died in it!!
23 Nov, 2010
What an odd question Cmelse - would you like to expand on it. Why would a Camellia attract blowflies there is nothing in our about the tree that would cause it to do so.
23 Nov, 2010
volunteer is right . when flies lay eggs in things they say the item has been blown . blow flies actualy dont wate for things to die before they lay there eggs unusuely on living things so definatly not atracted to a tree i wouldnt of thaught .a lot of flies do look similer to each other and there are a lot of flies that like pollen . theres also lots of types of blow flie . i just wonderd how you knew they are blow flies realy please ?
24 Nov, 2010
Can't say I've observed that they do.
23 Nov, 2010