United Kingdom
How can I change my name on the site? I wish to change it from 'Jonathanhales' to 'JonathanWheels'. I don't want to lose any of my writing about myself or any of my photo page.
27 Nov, 2010
I though you could go into your profile and do it, not 100% sure, now I am doubting myself! Sorry, just looked again and you cannot, the only way is by contacting the lads, I have known other folk to do it.
27 Nov, 2010
All of your Jonathanhales messages, blogs, pictures etc will stay on the site under your existing name but you would start again as a newbie with a different name.
Mr Moonbulb as could be!
27 Nov, 2010
I changed from Megan75 to Shirley_Tulip and Hywel changed from Blodyn ... I guess we were both fed up with being known as our cats! I had to add any favourite blogs & photos to my new account, also needed to add current favourite members. It's time-consuming and you may wish to remain as you are! If you click on Megan75 or Blodyn now, it will say 'account deleted'.
27 Nov, 2010
Oh, perhaps then I should just stay as everyone knows and loves me. Does everyone love me? We'd better not change you to Bulbahooligan! I have sent message to 'the lads' anyway.
27 Nov, 2010
Bulba and I would like to become Mr & Mrs Moon Bulb butwill live with our current 'names'
27 Nov, 2010
Ha ha, Jonathan, everyone loves you and your garden! Take care in this freezing weather. : o ))
27 Nov, 2010
I love you all too. I'm sitting sewing some thermal long johns this very moment as it so happens.
27 Nov, 2010
Don't call yourselves Mr and Mrs Moon, Moon Grower. It will sound as though you have both had a "Moonie" wedding! Ho, ho!
27 Nov, 2010
Mr & Mrs MoonBulb was our thought... but no we wont change :-)
Keep knitting the thermals you are going to need them. Himself just cleared the paths for the 2nd time today and, guess what? It is snowing again... two weeks of this they are threatening us with...
27 Nov, 2010
I've just been on skype to my friend in Kingston MG and I've seen the snow up there! It's very deep! I sometimes think it's better for the plants to have a thick blanket of snow, rather than this half inch turned to solid ice that we currently have in Carnoustie....do you think that's right? Could a thick blanket of snow actually act as insulation against the freezing cold winds etc.?
27 Nov, 2010
A thick blanket of snow before the frost sets in is much, much better! The snow freezes and protects the plants and the soil below it. The worst situation is when the ground is bare exposed, with no cover, and it freezes this kills far more plants.shrubs. As a point I scraped the snow away late this afternoon to dig up a parsnip. Whilst the air temperature was below freezing below the approx 12cm of snow the soil was not frozen at all! Up came the parsnips and were eaten as part of our dinner.
27 Nov, 2010
There you go! Our ground is frozen solid! Hope parsnip was very tasty! Sure it was with all your efforts!
27 Nov, 2010
The parsnip was wonderfully taste :-) Snow still falling though...
27 Nov, 2010
You'll not be going far tomorrow I'll wager!! Have a nice evening and a nice long lie in! ;)
27 Nov, 2010
More snow overnight, Bulba will be out clearing the paths again. We hope to get out for a walk before cabin fever sets in but not for a few hours yet :-)
28 Nov, 2010
I can't even begin to desribe the night we've just had. Hardly slept for the noise of the hail and then at 4am we were all woken by a sound quite like an earthquake!! It was thunder! Never heard anything like it! Thought there had been a massive landslide or something but about a minute after it subsided this amazing force of hail came down! It was really scary! Now we have about 3" of snow.
28 Nov, 2010
Just back from our walk and - yup it is snowing again...
28 Nov, 2010
Nicely timed then MG and BA!!
28 Nov, 2010
Previous question
So far as I know you can't but send a message to the boys.
27 Nov, 2010