I love all the comments and names of plants with all your photos
By Trenchy
United Kingdom
I love all the comments and names of plants with your different photos on your Blogs, but can you tell me how to do it being a novice on this sight,
many thanks Juney
5 Dec, 2010
Just select 'write a blog' on the blogs page and follow the instructions - if you want to add photos, press the add photos button when you want to insert a pic, then carry on with your text. Give it a go, what's the worst that can happen? You have to start over if you get it wrong, no big deal, no one dies!
5 Dec, 2010
Trenchy we all have to start somewhere so dont be scared, we have all mastered it, somehow !!
8 Dec, 2010
Do you mean that you want to upload photos of what's in your garden, or keep a list with photos of what you have in your garden? They're two different things on here.
To list plants in your garden, click on your name "Trenchy" where it's underlined to get to your homepage, then click on the "options". Click on "Add plants" and you get a form you can fill in and add a photo to (use "Browse" to find it) from a file on your computer. When you're ready, click on the button at the bottom right, below the form "Add plant". It takes some time to upload, so don't do it when you're in a hurry.
You can also just display photos. Click on the option "Add photos" and you get a form which you fill in, as before, and a "Browse" button".
You might feel inspired to write a blog - choose the right button and you can - I'm looking forward to it already! :-)
5 Dec, 2010