By Clarehughes
United Kingdom
I have a dipladenia that was given to me in the summer and it has really flourished outside. We've had really warm sunny weather here in Cornwall right up until November.
I have looked after it as per instructions, and brought it into my greenhouse (unheated) about 2 - 3 weeks ago, just before the really frosty cold spell. However, ever since it's been in the greenhouse the leaves have all wilted and turned brown. Has it died?
13 Dec, 2010
I had one of these too, Clare. (Took a punt on it in Lidl's in the spring) I put it in a polytunnel at the place where I volunteer once a week. It got nibbled when the sheep got in, and then got "rather cold" :-( in the last couple of weeks, so it's not happy either. My sympathies are with you (and my fingers are crossed as well)
13 Dec, 2010
Dipladenias are extremely tropical plants, and I would be surprised if unheated greenhouses or polytunnels would stay warm enough for them. They even get frost damage here in the subtropical desert! I would put them indoors in a sunny window, or in a completely frost-free conservatory. The longer they stay without green leaves, the harder it is for them to resprout. Good luck, both of you! I feel sorry for the sheep, though--they are supposed to be rather toxic!
15 Dec, 2010
"they are supposed to be rather toxic!"
That explains why they seemed to have spat most of the nibbled leaves out. Come the spring it's got two choices, it can grow again or it's out! Make your choice Dipadenia!
15 Dec, 2010
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not necessarily . I think it might be to cold for it. Bring it into a cool room and water sparingly. Hopefully it will resprout.
13 Dec, 2010