By Anthfez
wrexham, north wales,
United Kingdom
why aren.t my fuchsia cuttings not rooting ? is there a certain time of year to do this ?
3 Sep, 2008
Yes, do make sure you don't compress the rooting medium too hard around the cuttings - they seem to take great exception to that! I also find that *most* fuchsias root easily in water from softwood cuttings - I usually get about an 80% success rate. Hardwood cuttings in water usually just rot before they root.
4 Sep, 2008
Hi. Fuchsias should root easily . Make sure they are in a well aerated compost. Peat, sharp sand and Perlite or Vermiculite It is essential they have moist atmosphere, shaded light, warm temperature and aerated compost.
The older the shoot used as a cutting the longer it takes to root. Very young cuttings need polythene cover to retain constant humidity. Good luck.
3 Sep, 2008