By Scotkat
I have the stunning callicarpa with purple berries .
And its so beautiful in the white snow.
I have heard there is a varigated one with white berries.
Does anyone know where in UK I can get this other delight.
20 Dec, 2010
And without the grouping policy they are very much for 'botannical interest' only, I can assure you. Worthy
20 Dec, 2010
Callicarpa japonica 'Leucocarpa' is the most commonly grown/offered/encountered variety that has white berries. UK suppliers can be found on the RHS Plantfinder at:
I only grow one Callicarpa, and that's largely for it's autumn foliage colour, so I can't be sure, but I'd assume that your existing Purple berried Callicarpa (which, as Bamboo says, is 99% certain to be C. bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion') would act as a pollinator for a japonica 'Leucocarpa', so if you grew the two plants fairly close to one another you should get good fruit set on 'Leucocarpa' too.
20 Dec, 2010
So far as I'm aware, Ilex, C. 'Leucocarpa' does not have variegated leaves, does it?
21 Dec, 2010
No indeed Bamboo, just white berries...I should have clarified that in my answer :)
21 Dec, 2010
There are a few varieties of this shrub with white berries (C. americana lactea, for instance) but without variegated leaves. There are ones with variegated leaves (C. 'Duet'/C. japonica 'Koshima-no-homate') but these generally have purple berries. Also note that Callicarpa 'Profusion' the most commonly selected one here in UK, is chosen because it does not need another Callicarpa in order to fruit well - C. americana lactea (white berries) and a lot of the other varieties, need to be group planted in order to ensure berrying.
20 Dec, 2010