By Sarahphoebe
United Kingdom
I intend planting some (outdoor) containers with bulbs - in the next day or two - But - I want them to flower by the 2nd week in April. Have I left it too late?? Help. Suggestions please!
28 Dec, 2010
Hi, I would think the only way to be sure that the bulbs would be in flower in the second week of April, would be to visit your garden centre and buy them in flower. I assume that you want them in flower for an important date??. It's really impossible for anyone to predict to within a few days the time of flowering as it depends on so many things, but bulbs are very cheap now and the experiment would cost little, good luck:-)
28 Dec, 2010
I think you are right Bornagain if you want a guarantee of them being in flower then it is visit the GC and buy pots and put them, in their pots into the containers.
28 Dec, 2010
Thanks everyone! Happy New Year.
28 Dec, 2010
A happy new year to you too Sarah, and to you and Bulba Mg:-)
28 Dec, 2010
Happy New Year when it comes to you all
28 Dec, 2010
It is late to be planting any bulbs as you live in London Bamboo is likely to have a better idea of what could possibly flower though I would be surprised if you could find bulbs to buy at this time of year. All I can think of that 'might' be in flower then is later narcissi and tulips, possibly iris.
28 Dec, 2010