fuchsia rust
By Arlene
United Kingdom
hello there
Can any one give me any help re cure for fuchsia rust-have been out and bought Systhane but have not used it on my fuchsias before and as I have recently bought a lot of small ones from various nurseries i am loathe to kill them off accidentally!
I have found some really pretty ones like Jungle this year and want to grow them on during the winter in the greenhouse.
I normally strip all leaves off and cut back if I have rust but as these are so small it seems brutal and quite a few are involved.
I have also bought some neem oil but don't know how to use it.
I would really appreciate any help.
5 Sep, 2008
Hywel is good on Fuchsias. Type 'blodyn' into the search box top left, find his name under members and send him a private message in case he doesn't see this question. Good luck.
5 Sep, 2008