By Stickitoffee
United Kingdom
Will this collection of plants be alright indoors ~ at least until the weather is milder? There is an ivy, a heather and that silver leaved plant.

29 Dec, 2010
ah, thank you!
not many cool but light places in this house but i will have a think.
ah thought it might be cineraria but was confused cos i had 2 plants last year with purple and crimson daisy like flowers on them ~ just annuals ~ with a similar name??
29 Dec, 2010
Do you have a porch Sticki?
29 Dec, 2010
no, we have something like a storm porch but it faces north and has no sun whatsoever.
29 Dec, 2010
Think this should be outside as indoors would be too warm, maybe put it out for the day and pop it in for the night, (you have nothing else to to do have you??) Lol.
29 Dec, 2010
course not!!!!!
perhaps it would be happy in my car???
could have a variety of scenery, some light and protection!!
29 Dec, 2010
LOL, am really laughing now! Yeah I am sure he would like to pop to Tesco for a change!!
29 Dec, 2010
and down to the park or the GC if he/she is really good!!?
29 Dec, 2010
Cineraria used to be a much bigger genus than it is now, Stickitoffee, and it contained both of those plants. Now both of them are considered species of Senecio, though the gray one might be a Centaurea--pretty rarely used as a Dusty Miller now, though.
29 Dec, 2010
ah that explains the confusion ~ thank you.
29 Dec, 2010
yes as long s they are kept on the cool side in good light. the silver leaf is Cineraria [spelling ]
29 Dec, 2010