By Hilaryann
United Kingdom
How can I keep an unidentified cat off my veg. plot at this time of year? Have tried electronic device. I picked up 13+ bundles of cat faeces when the snow cleared. ugh!!!
do you really want a photo?
30 Dec, 2010
Hallo Seaburngirl....that with the twigs stuck in the ground is a good idea..I will have to remember that.
30 Dec, 2010
Hard to believe someone who actually worked for the RSPCA suggested a spud gun ! I remember from my school days how very painful they can be- I think a kinder method would be a water pistol ,cats tend to hate water-but again you have to see the cat first! I am a cat lover and have 2 cats of my own but I still sympathise with veg growers.Good luck .
30 Dec, 2010
A heavy poly tarp is the only answer, also warms up the ground and keeps down weeds, best put on before heavy frosts, but don't leave it there for a long time.
30 Dec, 2010
I suspect the friend knew the distances the cats are from the house. So the power of the spud is very diminished. Most of the cats just skirt through the garden now unless I have done some serious digging. So no harm actually coes to them.
30 Dec, 2010
Easy, identify it, and then it won't be unidentified! Worthy
30 Dec, 2010
Nice one Worthy!
31 Dec, 2010
Collect dog poo in bags and leave these around your plot.
5 Jan, 2011
No Photo necessary but this is a perennial problem. You will find that once the soil has lost its freshly dug look it loses its attraction. but that is no consolation. Have you tried twigs stuck in the ground as a deterent. I havent found any product really useful. A friend in the animal wealthfare section of the council suggested using a kids spud gun fired at it. He used to work with the RSPCA too. But you have to see the cat to do it.
30 Dec, 2010