By Huffeck
United Kingdom
hi i have a 2metre high taxus baccata which needs to be moved to a better position in garden. [1] is this feasible?. [2] when would be best time to do this if possible?.
2 Jan, 2011
Hi Huffeck and welcome to GoY. Whilst most conifers are shallow rooted we've found that the yew has deeper roots. This is Spritzhenry's advice:
Get the new site prepared first. Then get some hessian or an old sack cut open. Dampen it. Dig a trench around the tree away from the roots. Then use forks each side to lift the root ball onto the hessian. Wrap the hessian around the root ball and move the tree over to its new home. Plant it and firm in, then water well. Make sure that you water it well during its first year. (Hessian is quite useful to have around).
I'd be cautious about moving right now incase there is another long period of frost. If the ground freezes around a newly transplanted tree it makes it very difficult for it to establish itself. Want until late February, early March but move before the sap starts rising. The ideal time is late autumn.
2 Jan, 2011
hi and thanks to arwadoo and moon grower. your advice much apreciated . i will have one slight problem as the yew is up against the back fence and very close to compost heap . i will however take as much care as i can . the point about heavy frosts is well made as i was wondering about the earth heave after hard frost . unfortunately i have to move the tree as the area iis being revamped and she needs a better position . so fingers xd and will report back when job is done . thanks to you both once again . glad i joined this forum .happy new year from huffeck
3 Jan, 2011
Conifers are generally trees with shallowroots.It is possible to move it before the growing season starts .Remove along with the ball of earth.The roots should not be exposed while digging out.
2 Jan, 2011