By Gaia01
Midlothian, Scotland,
United Kingdom
We bought a Christmas tree in a pot in the vain hope that we'll manage to keep it alive until next christmas!! The pot it's in is small with just enough room for the roots. Should I repot it now or wait til maybe spring? Want to keep it in a pot cos I'm not digging it up every year even though it would probably do better in the garden. Thank you.
6 Jan, 2011
Thanks Seaburngirl. Do you mean gradually move it to cooler areas before putting it outside because our house is tiny and it's already out?
6 Jan, 2011
You might also want to check if this is a proper pot grown tree or one dug up and dumped in a pot. If the later there is, sadly, little chance of survival.
6 Jan, 2011
Looking at the size of the pot I suspect you might have a point there Moon grower. Oh well, I'll lavish it with as much TLC as I can and hope it survives. Might be an idea just get an artificial one now while the sales are on!!
6 Jan, 2011
I 'd move it gradually into cooler areas and then mid spring repot then. Put in its summer space watch the watering and enjoy.
6 Jan, 2011