By Kfunsters
Cheshire, United Kingdom
Can somebody ID this plant for me. I'm not sure if its an indoor or outdoor. I bought it from Bridgemere garden World (Wyvale) reduced from £24 to £5 so it had to come home from me. The label just said "foliage - seasonal speciality"
- 6 Jan, 2011
Moon - Growe since the photo was taken its had the TLC needed. KAY
6 Jan, 2011
6 Jan, 2011
Ficus maclellandii 'Alii'. You treat it pretty much the same as a F. benjamina, but it is more tolerant of low light and drafts. It can go longer between soaks, too, but I wouldn't push that too far.
6 Jan, 2011
Thats the one Tugbrethil -thanks.
6 Jan, 2011
You're welcome! : )
6 Jan, 2011
Can't id but looks like it needs a good drink and a larger pot!
6 Jan, 2011