United Kingdom
How do I stop my cats pooing in my flower bed? I have recently had some walled beds made, in which I have planted an acer, fern and some bulbs ..however my cats use it as there toilet and it is now full of cat poo. Is there any deterrents for cats?
9 Jan, 2011
If you could find something effective I'm sure you could make a fortune, Cheryl!
9 Jan, 2011
I use the soft green smalled hole mesh and drape it about on the soil and pegged down if necessary, cats do not seem to like it as I think they think they may get their claws caught. it might not look pretty but it works for me when I have a place with bare soil. Cats seem to dislike different things!
11 Jan, 2011
Hi Cheryl,
If you use the GOY site search box, you'll see lots of suggestions to help tackle this particular problem.
9 Jan, 2011