By Joeywebbo
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi,can anyone tell me of a way to protect sweetcorn cobs on the stem? Last season mine were nearly all 1/2 nibbled by mice(?). Ta and happy new year to all.
10 Jan, 2011
Not sure you can as the mice can come up through the ground at them so a cage isn't going to help - traps?
10 Jan, 2011
Thanks 4 response, don't fancy the traps though. May try & cage individual cob though...Sorry to hear 'bout thives,we had some of them. How 'bout traps for them???!! ;)
11 Jan, 2011
Here in Arizona, there are laws against that--more's the pity! ; )
18 Jan, 2011
Previous question
My brother had trouble with rats, on his allotment, eating sweetcorn. Unfortunately there seemed not to be an easy remedy. Due to age, near 80, thieving and soil pests on his potatoes he has decided not to renew his rental. It was a birthday present for retirement at 65 from tanker driving. Maybe someone has an answer.
10 Jan, 2011