By Pamsco
Hi All I have been given a mixed bag of mini narcissi for xmas. They have all started to sprout. I have planted them up in 2 ceramic containers, should I leave these in teh shed until the frosts are over or outside?
16 Jan, 2011
If you are putting them outside put them in the ground. The ceramic pots are likely to break with the frosts which are inevitable at this time of year. If the pots came with them I think they are forced to come for Christmas and are supposed to be for indoor growing. If growth has started already I would put them on a window sill and enjoy them for what they are. If they were just a packet then put them in the ground on a frost free day. I would put them fairly deep covering any growth that is already there, they will soon force their way to the surface.
17 Jan, 2011
I'd leave them in the pots and stand outside, best not to disturb them again if they're already shooting. Not sure how they'll perform though, narcissus should be in the ground by end of August really, so its very late to plant them.
17 Jan, 2011
I would not put ceramic bowls outside especially if they are the type that curve out from the lip and make sure there are holes in the bottom to let excess water drain off. Most ceramic bulb bowls are not suitable for outdoors. Do narcissus bulbs not have the flower in there waiting to come to life Bamboo or do you think it will have died. I think it is very naughty of retailers to sell these bulbs as Christmas presents if they are going to fail.
17 Jan, 2011
As Pamsco describes being given a bag of mixed narcissi, I'm assuming they're not the treated indoor type, which do come, usually, with a bowl or something to plant them in. If she's lucky, she may get flowers this year, but whether they do well in future years remains to be seen.
17 Jan, 2011
Can she feed the foliage after flowering and maybe give them a fighting chance for the future.
17 Jan, 2011
thanks all, they are a bag of bulbs and they do say plant outside before Oct. But I couldn't just let them rot so Ive planted as many as I could in the ground but my beds are a sea of shoots from resident bulbs - no clue what they are yet as this is my first year in the house. There were a couple of planters in a hedge so I scrubbed them down and planted them up - plenty of drainage (crocks and holes) but I've left the bulbs' growing tips exposed?
18 Jan, 2011
It will be interesting to see what you do get from them. I bought loads of alliums in late 2009, at throw away prices. I did not get them in until very late but I had a wonderful show from them. I bought my daughter 10 kilos of daffodils in October 2010 and did not get them planted either. I planted them yesterday in the old compost in which I grew my potatoes. I have left them in the shelter of a wall and have my fingers crossed that I can take them down to her for dotting around the garden next month.
This will be an exciting year for you as you discover the secrets in your new garden. Were the previous owners keen gardeners?
18 Jan, 2011
Hi Scotsgran, yes the previous owners were keen gardeners so this is a watching year though I need to spruce up the ground work, new paths and edges. A couple of bigger changes in the pipeline but not much. Mostly planting presents and filling the 2 empty veggy beds.
24 Jan, 2011
I went out today and bought more bulbs which are looking strong and healthy.i hope to get them in tomorrow. i will plant in pots because i have nowhere else to put them at this time. The ground is squelchiong and i do not want to walk on it yet. We will look forward to seeing what comes up.
24 Jan, 2011
Outside. They should be outside already. The bulbs will need the cold and frosty weather.
I could be wrong, but that is what I believe.
16 Jan, 2011