By Graeme_e
United Kingdom
After a very cold December in Scotland my 3 variegated pittosporum have lost nearly all their leaves due to the harsh frosts (about -10 at times). The plants have only been in the ground for nearly a year what are the chances of new leaf growth?
17 Jan, 2011
I live in the South east and planted Pittosporum'Tobira' and Pittosporum eugenioides Variegatum last year and now I am also waiting to see if their root system survives the severe cold. Mine have not lost their leaves but not sure if that is good or bad as loosing leaves may conserve energy in some plants? My tenuifolium 'Irene Paterson' is 8-10 years old and still fine so I am keeping my fingers crossed for the other 2.
17 Jan, 2011
Despite their origins, they're remarkably tough. Come the spring, watch out for new growth, and if the tops are damaged, cut them back to good growth (April/May time, to be safe), and they'll soon be good as new. Worthy
17 Jan, 2011
My P. 'Collaig Silver' has dropped some of its leaves - so I do hope it survives. That sounds as though it has some of survival, Worthy. Thanks for the info. :-))
17 Jan, 2011
A friend from the Scillies told me that they use Pittosporum hedges as wind protection round the bulb growing fields there. There were tests on different hedging options and they performed best. So keep those fingers crossed. Frosts aren't bad in the Scillies, but winds are.
18 Jan, 2011
The plain green ones don't suffer at all, but this one is variegated, and I was also told when I bought it, that the smaller leaved varieties are the least hardy, That's why I went for one with larger leaves - in the hope that it would prove to be so.
18 Jan, 2011
I have a new variegated one in a container and it's dropped most of its leaves, but on close examination there are new shoots (very small!) waiting to grow. Fingers crossed!
18 Jan, 2011
My two Tom Thumb Pittosporum received a bad knock last winter and I was concerned for them. Fortunately, come the spring they rallied well although they look ghastly now. Funnily enough though my varigated ones were barely touched last year and have lost all their leaves this year, apart from Irene Paterson, who still looks pretty good, which I am surprised about.
18 Jan, 2011
My variegated ones have dropped the top 3 inches or so of leaves...never seen that before! The frost was particularly severe some nights in December....but I think....or pray... they will be fine in Spring...says she confidently!
19 Jan, 2011
Now all that is encouraging in a way - maybe there's still hope for it.:-)
21 Jan, 2011
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Ooh, I wouldn't like to say, really - Pittosporums are not fully hardy, so if they're in a cold region, or in an exposed situation, they may well not survive a winter. All you can do is wait and see whether new growth arrives by late spring/early summer.
17 Jan, 2011