By Rachel18
Cumbria, United Kingdom
I didn,t cut back my clematis at back end, is it alright to cut it now, as I can see new shoots in the dead foilage, or should I wait a month or so. regards Ann
- 18 Jan, 2011
Dead wood can be cut off anytime, but it's true that you may want to wait until later to be sure of what's actually dead!
18 Jan, 2011
Depends on which one you have there are 1 2 and 3 prunning there is a saying if it flowered before spring cut back next spring, if it flowered after spring cut back after the last flower, so I would wait till spring if it was me and your not sure what catagory it comes under 1 2 or 3 some don't need cutting at all as they flower off the previous years.
18 Jan, 2011