By Anna1066
United Kingdom
I also find that cats like to use my lawn as a toilet anything I can do? I have tried lion dung Pellets (The silent Roar) tried cat off, tried one of those ultrasonic pulse things and still they come.
8 Sep, 2008
hi i was told that if you put out tea bags soaked in either tea tree oil or olbas oil and put them around the garden worked wonders. it worked for a friend but the local cats just decided to play with them. they dont like moth balls and chili powder too! getting hold of moth balls is a problem though. good luck . if all else fails try a shot gun ha ha ha
9 Sep, 2008
So many times this question comes up. I maintain a good squirt of water everytime you see them is best, though I did have an electronic cat scarer once it seemed to help, the only drawback was , it gave my grandaughter earache!
9 Sep, 2008