How long for my weeping pear tree to get established?
By Andrea
United Kingdom
Does anyone have any experience with this tree? I planted a young one in February and so far there is no sign of any leaves-just bare twigs. I have checked the tree bark at the base and it is green. I am wondering how long it should take to get established and start to flower, all the ones in the garden centres at the moment have lots of leaves on them
On plant
Pyrus salicifolia (Pear)
16 May, 2007
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Thanks for the reply.... Hubbie wants to get rid of it but I am in favour of giving it a bit more time. Will let you know its progress!
17 May, 2007
Difficult to say if there is anything wrong - it is best to leave it alone - except water liberally if its dry, and mulch with compost. Sometimes they sulk for a little especially if they were potbound when planted.
17 May, 2007