By Lizziec
United Kingdom
A close family friend has recently died. Is there a rose named Laughter. Thanks
- 24 Jan, 2011
I googled this and found one called 'Laughter Lines' in Dave's Garden website. It's a deep rose pink and single like a wild rose. But it's an American site so I don't know if you could buy it in the UK.
24 Jan, 2011
Snap, Owdboggy!
24 Jan, 2011
There's Rosa 'Laughter Lines', and Rosa 'Joy'. Neither seems readily available. Try contacting one of the big rose suppliers (there are a few major ones, and I don't think we can specify a particular supplier here), and asking them. There's a rose for practically every occasion, and a huge number of names for emotion and feeling. Worthy
24 Jan, 2011
Oops, we're all doing it! Lizziec, you're well answered. Worthy
24 Jan, 2011
The only plant of any kind that has the word "laughter" in it's name, and which is available in the UK, is Iris 'Light Laughter' - seemingly available only from Claire Austin, details at the URL below:
24 Jan, 2011
I'm sorry for your loss. Other suggestions for roses might be possible if you can give an idea of what you want to suggest.
At the risk of putting my foot in it, there is a small one called 'bright smile' though I know nothing about it.
27 Jan, 2011
There is one called Laughter Lines.
24 Jan, 2011