By Tmc81
United Kingdom
Hi, my back garden has not faired well at all this winter and now is bobbley and patchy and also various shades of yellow through green to brown is there a simple solution to putting it right and level again or have i got a big job with relaying the whole thing
thanks for any replys as im a complete novice
simon w
25 Jan, 2011
Does sound like you mean a lawn - fascinated by the 'bobbly' description, lol! Most likely a result of snow, I'd imagine, but a photograph would be useful in case you've got fusarium patch disease, which does sometimes occur after snow, in particular if the grass has been walked on whilst snow covered.
25 Jan, 2011
My understanding is it is never a good idea to walk on grass when it is snow covered - Am I correct Bamboo?
25 Jan, 2011
Yes - and for that very reason, it encourages 'snow mould' (fusarium patch disease)
25 Jan, 2011
Mr MG clears our slabbed paths and we stay off the actual ground until it has defrosted. The damage done by walking on snow covered and or frozen soil is considerable.
25 Jan, 2011
Are you referring to your grass/lawn in this question? You can reply as a comment below Tmc and welcome to GoY
25 Jan, 2011