By Baloo
United Kingdom
When's the best time to prune my vine..? It's been growing on the side of my south-west facing shed for the last 3years, I'm not sure if the variety, but has a good crop of black grapes, and is starting to look a bit straggly..!
25 Jan, 2011
as long as you do it before the buds break it will be fine. I do mine on Xmas day usually, an excuse to escape all the activities of the day :o)
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks for the advice, i'll be doing the pruning on my next days off. I'll let you know what the out come is later in the year, ( hopefully with some photographic evidence)..!!
26 Jan, 2011
Do the pruning now, Baloo, before the vine starts new bud sprouts. Can be a close haircut which our garden helper usually does for us in November, after all those lovely leaves have disapeared. Leave a couple of buds, if feeling cautious, but no need to on a large, long 30 to 40 foot vine as our vine is ......too much like hard work looking for buds and counting in poor light.
25 Jan, 2011