Identifying weeds 4
By Peter
United Kingdom
Last in a series of four.
Anyone know what this is?
Thanks for the help.

28 Jan, 2008
You're too good at this Spritz, will have to find some really unusual weeds :o)
28 Jan, 2008
I have quite a lot you can have, Peter! I also have several plants which think they own the place - I have to laugh when I find them in Garden Centres in small pots at inflated prices, when mine run wild! There are three 'baddies' - 1. Phuopsis stylosa, 2. Symphitum and a nice baddie - 3.Erigeron karvinskianus. 1. spreads everywhere and has small pink flower clusters for most of the year, 2. is 'Comfrey' and has large rough leaves. pretty bell-like flowers from now onwards - but leave a bit of root in the ground and up pops a new plant - also seeds itself - 3. is the beautiful pink and white daisy, I have it all over the garden but again it seeds itself all over the place, in cracks in paving and brick steps, up the walls, just everywhere! And it sells for £4.95 for a SMALL pot! I could be a millionaire.... I think I feel a blog coming on...And a game/quiz type blog...
29 Jan, 2008
Hmm, I'm bad enough at keeping mine under control, let alone anyone else's. Thanks for the kind offer though ;o)
29 Jan, 2008
Previous question
« Three in a series of four. Anyone know what this is? Thank you for the help.
Looks like Yarrow. Roots get deep if left. A pest in lawns - can't get rid of it!
28 Jan, 2008