By Karensusan63
Rose planting. Now, I know it's not a good idea to plant a rose where a rose was growing before. What I was wondering is...does this apply if the rose you took out was there for less than a season. Thing is, I ordered a climbing rose which turned out to be the wrong one..not a climber and not the right colour. I planted it in the summer. I've taken it out now and put it somewhere that I don't need a climber. Would it be ok to plant the climber there now?
25 Jan, 2011
Yes, I've seen that Bamboo. Good idea! Thanks :)
25 Jan, 2011
The only reason not to plant a rose where a rose was growing before is if the previous one sickened and died suddenly. If it was ancient, or just a weak one, then I'd ignore that and go for a new one, with a good start. Many modern roses are disease resistant, and will grow anywhere given the best conditions. I stand to be corrected, but I have on occasion done just as I recommend, with good result. Worthy
25 Jan, 2011
Ah, thanks Worthy, that's a great reassurance! I'm going to give it a try!
25 Jan, 2011
Hmm, well, that's not what they say about rose sickness, Worthy is it - there's that rule about not replanting roses where roses have been before, regardless of whether they were healthy, ancient or dead, because of the risk of rose sickness. Rose sickness is a risk, though, not a certainty, so its a gamble to replant. Rootgrow seems to get round the problem though.
25 Jan, 2011
Yes, I think I will get some rootgrow - just incase.....typical of me, I can never make a decision!
25 Jan, 2011
I reckon you'd get away with it if you didn't use Rootgrow, Karen... that other rose was only there for such a short time, but don't sue me if it doesn't grow, lol!
25 Jan, 2011
OK bamboo...just as well you said that or I might have!
25 Jan, 2011
Ah, but there was no mention of sickness, disease, pneumonia, droop, wilt, black spot, aphids, consumption, delirium, or the shakes, just that a recently planted rose has been moved. So, no problem, I say. Worthy
25 Jan, 2011!
25 Jan, 2011
Wow! Poor roses - I wonder if Worthy has come across ALL those terrible diseases in roses? LOL
26 Jan, 2011
Ha ha Spritz, I imagine not - for a start, you'd need lungs to get pneumonia!
26 Jan, 2011
;-) Interesting roses! lol.
28 Jan, 2011
Probably, but if you want to be really safe, go and buy some Rootgrow to use - this seems to prevent rose sickness occurring.
25 Jan, 2011