By Greenoak
United Kingdom
We are in a rented property until October and there is a lovely terrace that is totally exposed to the neighbour's house....any ideas of what we can grow now v quickly to give a little privacy...needs to be grown in a pot so we can either transport or destroy it when we go....any ideas
29 Jan, 2011
Bamboo, bought at the right size and planted in large pots, would do the job, but would also be very expensive. Any way you can erect a trellis along the edge? Then you could grow summer climbers in largish pots (2 feet deep), things like Eccremocarpus scaber, Tropaeleum peregrinum, Ipomea - these would all die at the end of summer anyway.
29 Jan, 2011
I know this is not what you meant but what about willow screening? At least it is quite cheap so you won't be wasting your money, and also instant. If you don't like the look of it you could camouflage it with some annuals.
In terms of plants I think there are pre-grown potted 'instant hedges' which are probably very expensive. However perhaps someone will suggest something pot-grown which you could take with you, otherwise I feel you may be throwing a lot of money down the drain by destroying large plants.
Edit: perhaps a (living) bamboo screen might work? It depends on your style of garden.
29 Jan, 2011