By Lemondrop
United Kingdom
Another question on herbs.Having sorted through some cupboards today, i came across some herb seeds i'd forgotten about,the 'sow by' date is 2008. Is it worth giving them a try ?
31 Jan, 2011
Thanks for your prompt reply Sbg ! I'll give it a go.
31 Jan, 2011
I concur.
I had some lupin seeds that were nearly a decade old and they came up last year.
It's always worth a try
31 Jan, 2011
Thanks AM wow 10yrs! Would it work with bulbs as well ?
31 Jan, 2011
It really depends how you have kept the seed whether it is viable or not but give it a try.
31 Jan, 2011
Thanks Moon grower.
31 Jan, 2011
Rather unlikely to work with bulbs I think! As they'd rot.
31 Jan, 2011
Most bulbs need a higher internal moisture level than seeds to stay alive, and that eventually causes them to rot in storage. I have had Ranunculus, Anemone, and Zephyranthes bulbs live for a couple of years, but it took another couple to get them to bloom again!
1 Feb, 2011
I forgot to mention that i want to grow the herb seeds indoors on the kitchen windowsill. Is it just a case of watering them when needed ?
1 Feb, 2011
Lemondrop the packets should tell you exactly how to grow each herb, how much water they require etc.
1 Feb, 2011
Remember that herbs growing indoors need plenty of sun, or they turn leggy and insipid.
1 Feb, 2011
Indeed, south facing windowsill is needed or, failing that a south east one.
1 Feb, 2011
The packets tell you how to sow and what position on the windowsill to put them ours is south facing.Nothing about watering MG,so i'll just water when needed. Thanks for all your replies.
1 Feb, 2011
water sparingly, herbs in the wild grow in poor soil in dry conditions.
2 Feb, 2011
yes, you have nothing to loose. Many plants have seed that is viable for decades so give it a go.
31 Jan, 2011