Did you do the birdwatch at the weekend?
By Casso
United Kingdom
Did you do the RSPB birdwatch at the weekend? We found there were not as many birds as in the past.
1 Feb, 2011
I think that they know whats happening because the same happened to me!
1 Feb, 2011
Same here, but we saw one nice thing while we were watching -a little moorhen was wandering around with the chickens at the bottom of the garden,pecking around as though it was one of them.
1 Feb, 2011
The reason was that cold wind. It was bitter, and birds don't like it. (Have you tried whistling into an icy breeze?!). Seriously, that is the reason. This morning, what a difference, robin, thrush, great tit and blackbird all singing before the sun was up. What a relief. Worthy
1 Feb, 2011
I did my watch on Sunday, I should have done it on Saturday as my little birds had an away day, saying that I still recorded lots ofsparrows,starlings ,doves,blackbirds, thrush, and some very fat pigeons, pleased to say jennywren and my bluetits are back today.......
1 Feb, 2011