By Kennet
United Kingdom
advice on growing polyanthus from seed
2 Feb, 2011
I agree with what Worthy has said but, unless you have some very special polyanthus they are very cheap to but as plants.
Worthy I still reckon that seed is best sown fresh, if the poly. was allowed to self seed it would pepper pot its seeds across the garden in March/April/May
2 Feb, 2011
I bought polyanthus seed, but found that I could get better results when buying them as growing plants. My local GC has been selling polyanthus since Christmas, and always has a steady supply at hand.
Maybe pay a visit to your local GC or Gc at your local hardware store like homebase or B&Q.
My only local GC is downstairs at my local B&Q, just down the road.
I would have to agree with MB and buy them already growing, if they are the normal cheap versions.
3 Feb, 2011
I seem to remember it's best sown very fresh, before the seed coat's hardened, but I've just checked, and it appears that best results are from a Feb to April sowing. Sown thinly, on to the top of the damp compost, and not covered with any compost. Temperature kept even, because fluctations in temp send signals to seed that it's not safe to venture out. Worthy
2 Feb, 2011