By Soniahallett
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have planted a olive tree back in late summer it developed olives but not edible is there anything i can do to the tree like feed or mulch that will make it bare edible fruits sonia
9 Feb, 2011
Raw olives are not edible anyway! The raw fruit is very hard and bitter. The fruits need to be maturerd in oil or brine for a long period before they can be eaten.
9 Feb, 2011
Mine produces little olives but they are 99% stone! Even global warming may not be enough for the avid British olive grower! Sorry, they are purely for ornamental purposes in the UK.
9 Feb, 2011
Our summers aren't hot enough for decent fruit production on olives, Sonia, so unless you can provide much more sunlight, or a heated glass house, it won't be possible. Some years, if its very, very hot, you might just get a reasonable crop.
9 Feb, 2011