By Monopulator
United Kingdom
We would like to take cuttings from our beautiful Crinondren Hookeranium, as we will be moving house and would love to have a tree in our new garden. Please help or advise us.
- 16 Feb, 2011
Semi ripe cuttings in summer with a heel - best kept in a cold frame till they're rooted, then pot on. Otherwise, you can sow seed in Autumn.
16 Feb, 2011
Thank you for your replies, they are both very helpful. We love this tree so much, we will do our very best to have one at our new address.
Kind regards
Monica x
18 Feb, 2011
This can be done fairly easily. Take semi-ripe cuttings in summer (if you will still be there then!) and insert them into compost with added grit. A little hormone rooting powder would help. Take plenty of cuttings to allow for failures. If possible put them in a heated propagator or inside a plastic bag. Keep in a bright place (g'house etc) but out of direct sunlight. They should have roots after a few weeks, then pot them on gradually. Probably won't be ready to go out in the garden for a year or so. It's better to get them to a good size first.
16 Feb, 2011