By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
hello everyone i hope your well . my mum has been baught mistakenly a cherry tree . id imagine looking at it it is a large tree variety . my mum realy wants to keep it small realy but keep the fruit if possible . i know it can be bonsaid and that the fruit grows on last years growth . its already 6-8 feet tall in a small pot and she only has a small garden . the tree has know name on it and has been grafted about 2 feet away from the root . it was baught as a prezzy so cant take it back . your answer would be much apreciated thank you .
18 Feb, 2011
thank you volunteer just what i was thinking but needed reinforcing or my mum doesnt trust me lol .
19 Feb, 2011
Previous question
Hmm... I'd keep it in the pot and let it suffer!! Cherries don't like being pruned except in summer when the sap is flowing well. The pot will restrict it's growth. Or donate it to the local school/golf course etc!
18 Feb, 2011