By Shiralee
United Kingdom
I have a conifer in my back garden which is being cut down (professionally). I've asked for the stems to be left at about 3 ft high as I would like to use them as the base of a table. My question is: how do I seal the stems/trunks to stop them rotting away or sending out new branches.
Any help is much appreciated.
- 19 Feb, 2011
it would / will take a few years to rot but the trouble is with trees is the bit that rots is just underground wear you cant preserve it . you are doing a good thing bye accident and thats having the tabletop protecting the end grain because that is woods weakness hence plywood working so well for being strong .any protective measures will make it last longer includind cieling with cylicone the table top to the legs so theres no wear for water to get there . id say it will last a good few years .id worry more about what your going to use as a table top realy .
19 Feb, 2011
Thank you both for your help. My mind has been put at rest.
19 Feb, 2011
your more than welcome
19 Feb, 2011
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Almost all conifers won't regenerate from old wood.
I guess painting the trunks with wood preservative would stop the rot.
19 Feb, 2011