By Kcd
United States
My lawn is complteted soaked with this damp weather and the drainage is not good, how can i remedy this ?
15 Sep, 2008
We have had this poblem mind you with the rain i think everyone has. I agree with Spritze we did this with ours and it really helped but i didn't use the sand just the holes. You can buy airating shoes which you put on over your wellies/boots and walk up and down with them if this is any help.
Ours is also full of moss which does not help as it holds on to the water and takes ages to drain a problem we hope to fix shortly.
16 Sep, 2008
Previous question
One way is to spike it all over with a garden fork and brush sand into it. Don't use builders' sand though - it might have salt in it and that would kill your lawn!
15 Sep, 2008