By Chinnerys
United Kingdom
Please help me identify these toadstools in my garden. My labrador wants to eat them! She spends a lot of time outdoors and I can't supervise her all day. I'm worried that they are poisonous. They spring up so fast I can;t keep on top of them. They are under a conifer tree. Thank you, Susan

21 Feb, 2011
Thank you very much Bamboo. I've had this confirmed elsewhere but was waiting for another comment to the same effect. I've been removing them but at 5.30am it's like an undercover operation in the dark - LOL! It's put my mind at rest.
22 Feb, 2011
Looks like an ink cap - if it is, they're not exactly poisonous, but people do get a reaction to them if they consume alcohol at the same time. The gills inside should look crowded, white at first, changing from that to brown to a dark, inky mass. If you're worried, nip out in the mornings and just remove them all.
21 Feb, 2011