By Boltardy
United Kingdom
hi all i am about to redisgn my garden pond.....making it bigger etc.....i have stones for edging and pebbles for the bottom but i would like to cover the underwater sides with stone so the liner doesnt show, does anyone have any ideas, pictures and maybe the best way to go about this as i am now on the 1000th idea so far in my head and have a feeling me wife will kick me out if i dont get it right after talking about it all winter........please help
21 Feb, 2011
you should find the liner becomes almost invisible as the plants grow. I cant see how you would hold the stones in place any way. what size are you hoping to make it? the bigger you can the better as you'll only want to make it bigger next year. :o)
21 Feb, 2011
see my sketch above
21 Feb, 2011
thanks for the advice and links all most helpfull
22 Feb, 2011
have you seen that pebbledashed butyl excuse my spelling . thats very good and in different widths . theers also a new sylicone that drys underwater and doesnt kill your fish now . i built my mums rill in her pond using it . its realy effesctive .
22 Feb, 2011
Previous question
« Tilly01 wants to thank the people who gave good and valuable advice.
The key to covering up a pond liner is to ensure the edges of the pond have a shallow slope so the pebbles/gravel you cover the liner with don't slip down into the pond.
Here's a sketch of what I mean
You might find my blog on my own pond has some useful information in it( my blog on GOY)
Here's a link showing a few ponds I've designed/built which might give you some ideas.
21 Feb, 2011