By Wiltonj
United States
Hi, is it too late to plant Red Robin tomato seeds to grow indoors this year? thanks
- 22 Feb, 2011
I don't usually start mine until mid/late march as the cold greenhouse can be too cold when they leave the propagator
22 Feb, 2011
I agree Pamg, it really depends where Wilton lives in the US
22 Feb, 2011
Around here, we're already starting to put the plants out! Probably also true in Florida, the Gulf Coast, the lower Rio Grande Valley. and low elevations of southern California. As you go up in elevation, and north in latitude, tomato planting dates get later and later. Flagstaff, Arizona (6900 feet elevation), and Milwaukee, Wisconsin both plant out sometime in June, and start the seeds sometime in April. Places in between here and there use in between dates. I would consult your local Cooperative Extension office.
23 Feb, 2011
Previous question
You can generally sow indoor tomatoes in February and you have until April for outdoor tomatoes
22 Feb, 2011